Morphing happens between two cels of a single actor. We loaded both images of Don and Fiona in a single operation in order to create one actor with both pictures.
By double-clicking on either cel, we can edit the actor through the Actor Information dialog box.
The morphing setup is accessed through the paint edit screen. From this dialog box, both cels appear in their own window. This is where you can specify the points that will be aligned during the morphing process.
The zoom tool can also be used if you're working with a large number of points. The more points you have, the better the morph will look.
You can also load, save or clear an existing points configuration. You will need to create cels for the morph to display, or unfold, properly. The more cels you create, the smoother the morphing process.
The final dialog box allows you to define what colors should be transparent. By selecting none, all colors in the actor's cels will be opaque during the morphing process.